Wanna gains more followers and money easier?
Are you hot, muscles and ripped?
Wanna focused your self only on making the contents and forget the promotion?
Here we are for you!
Muscles Universe team is ready to help you to achieve all your goals!
To start your growing and gains money we need only one of your video (5 or 10 minutes) where you show yourself in action, posing naked, flexing your muscles, fucking your friends or jerking off.
We will make promo tweets on our pages on X and those of our collaborators with over 1M followers. We manage Muscles Universe, Daily Muscles, Machos Guapos and we can guarantee post on The Cock Show, Horny Muscles, Pumping Holes, The New Cock Show, Muscles Porn, Shameless Guys and many more!
Obviously we will make a post on our Onlyfans Muscles Universe and our website too.
We don’t want any direct payment for all these services. You can pay us just giving the contents and the authorisation to use them on our network.
So what are you waiting for?
Start make money now! Muscles Universe will do all the rest for you.
For more info don’t esitate to contact us on our social or by mail universemuscles @ gmail.com